Still Talking After All these Years?

A recent article in the "Style" section of The New York Times celebrates the recent rise in the popularity of psychoanalysis.
But psychoanalysis has never gone out of "style" (especially in New York!) and most clinicians use psychoanalytic techniques and ideas in their practice - whatever works for the client and therapist and it's not that clear cut.

When I was studying social work, we were given a very small, rather dismissive introduction to psychoanalytic ideas as one of many theoretical streams upon which we could draw - even though the reality is that most current theories rely on psychoanalytic ideas for most of their assumptions.

I remember a colleague being shocked on starting a new job working with children and families, when she discovered that her supervisor had never heard of (influential child psychoanalyst) Melanie Klein!

There wasn't enough time or space in my social work training for an exploration of psychoanalysis, so I did my own reading and found that my placement supervisor was a wonderful mentor for using psychoanalysis and psychodynamic theory in family work.

The NYT article also discusses President Trump's mental health which I think is dangerous territory for any clinician. The student jumps in, but I note that the more experienced therapist declines the invitation to diagnose in absentia, especially not "on the record!"

 Yes, there are fashions in these things, but thoughtful practitioners find their own way through this and will use what seems relevant and helpful, even if it might be viewed as "old fashioned."