Generally it is most convenient to communicate via email, so please ensure you have provided your best email address. Please also ensure that you have put me into your “safe senders” list and check your “junk” or “spam” folders to make sure you haven’t missed an email from me.


Sessions for local clients are for 50 minutes and cost $180. There is a Medicare rebate of $77.20 available to clients with a Mental Health Care Plan from a GP. The rebate can be applied for a maximum of 10 sessions per calendar year. The rebate can only be applied to sessions held after the MHCP is in place. You will need to pay my fee up front and we will apply for the rebate on your behalf provided we have all your details.

After the first 6 sessions you will need a re-referral which will mean that you need to see your GP again.

Amanda Robins Psychotherapy. Spread your wings and fly with psychotherapy for complex trauma in Melbourne. Schedule your free 20 minute consultation now.

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